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Seminar "EU Judicial Cooperation in Criminal Matters: The practitioner's view"

28 Aug 2014

Luxemburgo, 1-2 de dezembro de 2014

The seminar seeks to discuss the pivotal instruments of EU judicial cooperation in criminal matters from a purely practical perspective such as the European Arrest Warrant, the 2000 Mutual Legal Assistance Convention, the Framework Decision on Financial Penalties and the Framework Decision on Custodial Sentences.

The seminar will aim to present these widely used legal instruments in their operative and practice oriented context, highlighting best practices and how to use them, primarily the European Arrest Warrant (EAW) being the seminal instrument in the field of EU judicial cooperation in criminal matters. The seminar will also look at other mutual recognition instruments with a view to encourage their wider use among practitioners such as the Framework Decision on Financial Penalties, the Framework Decision on Custodial Sentences. Finally the seminar will refer to the European Investigation Order and its effect on obtaining cross border evidence.

Find out more:

Programme | Online registration | Complete information package (pdf)